


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Department客房部House Keeping Department


目 录


HK 01---------------------------------------如何检查房间

HK 01----------------------How To Check a Guest Room

HK 02----------------------------------用吸尘器清洁房间HK 02------- Using the Vacuum to Clean a guest Room

HK 03---------------------------------------如何进入客房

HK 03---------------------------- Entering a guest room

HK 04--------------------------------客人要求开门的程序HK 04---------------Requests for opening guest rooms

HK 05---------------------------------------租借物品程序

HK 05----------------------------------- Rental program

HK 06-------------------------------------清洁走房间程序

HK 06------------------------How to clean vacant room

HK 07-----------------------------------------查退房程序

HK 07----------------------------- Check out procedure

HK 08-------------------------------------清洁住客房程序

HK 08---------------------How to clean occupied room

HK 09---------------------------------------如何清洁恭桶

HK 09----------------------------- How to clean a toilet


Room standard operating procedures



编号NumberHK 01


内容及标准Content and standard


How To Check a Guest Room

检查房间Check the Guest Room

1.检查房间按照顺时针或逆时针方向Always check the room in a clockwise or anti-clockwise movement.

.清洁家具Cleanliness of Furniture

1.检查家具清洁度并根据标准放在适当的位置Check the cleanliness of all furniture and put it in good order according to the standard.

2.检查是否有脱落,衣架,衣柜内其他物品是否齐全且处于良好状态Check whether painting, Wardrobe hangers, collateral is hanging straight and positioned properly.

.检查客用品Check exchangeable items

1.检查客用品是否按照标准摆放并质量良好Check whether all amenities and supplies are as per the standard and are in good order.

.检查电器Check electronics

1.检查所有的设备是否处于良好的工作状态Check whether all facilities are working and in good order

.地板和墙纸Carpet & Wall paper

1.检查房间内地板块是吸过尘且无污点Check whether the floor in the guest room has been vacuumed and has signs of dirt or stains.

2.确保床底是清洁干净的Check there are no items underneath the bed.

3.确保墙纸上面无污点和划痕Check stains and scratches on the wall paper.


1.确保每间房门后有防火图Ensure every guest room has an emergency evacuation plan behind the Guest room door.

.离开房间Leaving the guest room

1.关上房门离开房间确保房间门关好Close the door and leave the room, ensuring the door closes properly.

.报修工程问题Warranty engineering problems

1.如发现房间工程问题需及时向工程部报修并跟进If the room engineering problem is found, please report to the engineering department and follow up.


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 02


内容及标准Content and standard


Using the Vacuum to Clean a guest Room

.准备清洁房间 Approaching the guest room

1.当你带上服务车和吸尘器准备清洁房间时,应将服务车靠在门口并敲门3次说::“Housekeeping服务员”. When you approach the guest room with your trolley and vacuum cleaner, place the vacuum cleaner  and the trolley at the side of the door  before knocking 3 times at the guest door and Announcing:

2.在进入房间之前将服务车和吸尘器停在门口Positioning the vacuum cleaner and trolley when entering the guest room.

3.将吸尘器放置在墙边Put vacuum cleaner against the side wall.

4.将工作车放在门的正中间Place the trolley right in front of the guestroom door.

5.将工作车贴近门Position the trolley very near to the door

6.不允许将工作车放置在过道的中央Do not leave the trolley in the center of the corridor.

.准备和吸尘Preparation and Vacuum

1.拣起地上面的废纸,废品和其他物品。如纸片、回型针等Pick up pieces of paper, trash or other items, i.e. paper clip, etc, from the floor

2.在吸尘时应检查地上有无污点On the floor, check for stains and loose threads.

3.插上电源,打开开关,不要将线缠绕住桌子Plug in and switch on the vacuum cleaner. Do not run the cord over a desk.

4.用吸尘器时应从里向外,重复吸,注意沙发和桌子下面Vacuum the floor carpet, starting from the inner corner of the room, using overlapping strokes. Pay attention to areas under the sofa and table.

5.吸地面边缝时使用尖嘴Vacuum the floor skirting and edges using a crevice head and a round brush.

6.必要时对沙发和椅子坐垫吸尘时将垫子拿开,用毛头吸檐口Vacuum sofa cushion, chair seat removing the  cushion if necessary.  Use round brush to vacuum cornice o.

7.不要吸床Do never vacuum the bed.


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 03


内容及标准Content and standard


Entering a guest room

.到达客房门口Approach guestroom

1.按门铃并报客房服务员“Housekeeping服务员”Ring the doorbell and announce, “Housekeeping”.

2.如果没有回答,再按3次门铃If there is no reply, ring again up to three times.

.开门Open door

1.慢慢的开门Open the door slowly announcing,

2.再报一次客房服务员“Housekeeping服务员”Housekeeping” again.

3.如果听见淋浴的声音,关上门然后静静的离开If you hear the shower, close the door and leave quietly.

4.如果客人在房间,对客人说对不起,并询问客人是否需要If the guest is inside, apologize by saying ,

5.早上好,下午好,晚上好,先生/小姐,我是客房服务员,我能为您清洁房间吗?“Good morning/afternoon/evening Madame, Sir, I am …. from Housekeeping, may I clean  your room?”清洁房间


If the guest agrees, proceed.

7.如果客人告诉您晚一点清洁房间,,应礼貌的询问客人什么时间方便清洁. If the guest requests cleaning to be done later, politely ask guest the time that best suits them.

8.做好备注,在客人要求的时间去为客人清洁Note it and return to clean the room at the requested time.

9.如果客人要求清洁的时间超过了工作时间段,交接给下个班次If the guest requests later cleaning than your shift, handover the request to your workmate.


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 04


内容及标准Content and standard

客人要求开门的程序Requests for opening guest rooms

.一个您不认识的客人要求开门A guest you don’t know asks you to open a room door.

1.当您在楼道上遇见客人要求开门您需要礼貌的告诉客人出示他的房卡套(上面有他的姓名和房号) When a guest asks you to open the door on the floor, you should ask him or her politely to show you their welcome folder with their name and room number.

.您认识的客人需要开门 A guest you know asks you to open the door.

1.如果您能够确认客人的身份,您可以为客人开门,但最好在系统上再次确认房号无误If it is a guest who you know and you recognize, you may open the door for the guest, But it is better to reconfirm the room number on the system

.一个您不认识的客人拒绝向您出示房卡套和房卡Guest is not able to show the room key booklet and you do not know the guest.

1.如果客人没有钥匙套,并且您不认识这位客人,应带领客人用内线电话通知楼层If the guest does not have the key booklet, and you do not know the guest, guide him/her to the House phones and call FO.

.为酒店员工开门Opening guest room for employees

1.如果其他部门的员工带客人参观房间,首先检查房态,确认好房态后为其开门If other department members take the guests to the room, check the room status first and confirm the room status and open the door for them.

.给工程部维修人员开门Open to the maintenance personnel of the Engineering Department

1.接收到维修房号及内容指令时应给工程部员工开门To receive the maintenance room number and content instructions, should be opened to the engineering staff.


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 05


内容及标准Content and standard


Rental program

1.在接到客人电话通知后,5分钟内将客人所需租借的物品送到客人手里。Within 5 minutes after receiving the guest phone call, the guests need to lease items sent to the guests.

2.在《物品租借登记单》进行登记,注明房号、时间、物品名称,如是房间客人租借,需在相应房号上标明临时态。In the "rental registration form" registration, indicating the room number, time, name of the goods, if the room rental guests, the corresponding room number marked "temporary".


如发现租借物品有损坏时,应及时上报,尽快维修;若客人损坏或遗失,要请其按原价赔偿。After the guest has finished using it, the attendant should recover it in time and cancel the room number. If the rental item is damaged, it shall be reported in time and repaired as soon as possible. If the guest is damaged or lost, it should be paid at the original price.

4.客人退房时一定要检查借用物品是否在房间,若不在及时联系前台询问客人。When checking out, the guest must check if the item is in the room, if not in time, contact the front desk and ask the guest.

5.客人免费租借的物品有:手机充电器、转换插头。Guests free rental items are: mobile phone charger, switch plug.


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 06


内容及标准Content and standard


How to clean vacant room


How to clean vacant room


How to clean vacant room

.Enter the room

轻轻敲门两次,每次三下 ,报称“Housekeeping服务员”Knock on the door two times, three times each time, "Housekeeping waiter."

.Down the linen

1.把四格桶带到卫生间门口,同时带入二湿一干三条抹布 Take four squares to the bathroom door and bring in two wet and three wipes

2.进房把空调关掉,关床头灯、拉开窗帘 Into the room to turn off the air conditioner, bedside lamp, open the curtains

3.将房间的垃圾和卫生间的垃圾带出,将用过的皂头、牙膏牙刷等一次性用品撤出Take out the garbage from the room and the garbage from the bathroom, and withdraw the disposable articles such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrush and so on

4.把客人用过的“四巾”(面巾、浴巾、地巾、方巾)撤出The guests used four towels to withdraw

5.撤脏布草(床单要一张张撤,注意不要夹带客人的睡衣和其它物品)Remove soiled linen (sheets to a withdrawal, do not pay attention to guests pajamas and other items with)


1.用棉拖把拖卫生间地板。Mop the bathroom floor with a cotton mop

2.用清洁剂全面喷一次洗面盆、恭桶,用面盆刷冲洗面盆,用马桶刷洗马桶(注要二块盖板及底座的卫生) With the comprehensive cleaning agent of a jet wash basin, toilet, wash basin with basin brush, scrub the toilet with the toilet (note to two cover plates and a base of Health)

3.用干布抹干净卫生间,尤其是金属器表面不要留下水渍(镜子可以用刮刀清洁)Clean the toilet with a dry cloth, especially on the surface of the metal. Do not leave any water stains (the mirror can be cleaned with a scraper)  

.Make the bed

1.拿床单和枕套进房内铺床(铺床要按规定程序)Bring the sheets and pillowcases into the room and make the bed


1.从门外门锁开始抹起 Dust the room

2.按顺时针方向抹,由上至下,由里至外,抹一圈(边角位及底部均要抹到) From top to bottom in a clockwise direction, then from the inside to the outside, put a circle (corner and bottom to wipe)

3.物品要按规格摆放  Articles should be placed according to specifications

4.镜面、电视机要用干布抹Mirror and TV set should be wiped with dry cloth

5.有污垢、污泥的地面,必须先用水和湿毛巾冲洗,然后用干毛巾吸干水,严禁用客房的毛巾直接抹Dirt and sludge on the ground, you must first wash with water and wet towels, and then use dry towels to dry water, strictly prohibit the use of room towels directly


1.补充卫生间内备品,卷纸要接好角Add toilet parts, roll paper to pick up the corner

2.补充房内物品(注意各种物品均需按规格摆好) Replenish room items

.Vacuum cleaner

1.从里到外吸 Vacuum from the inside to the outside

2.吸边角到位(切记吸尘器不能吸水) Place the suction angle in place (remember that the vacuum cleaner does not absorb water)


1.空调保持关闭,如有异味可开窗通风或喷空气清新剂Keep the air conditioner closed. If it smells, window ventilation or air freshener can be used

2.检查窗帘的定位,床铺物品是否配齐,地面是否有杂物Check the location of the curtain, bedding items are complete, whether the ground clutter

.Exit door

1.检查好后关门Check and close the door .


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 07


内容及标准Content and standard


Check out procedure

.收到退房信息Check out information received

1.在接收到退房信息后应立即去相应房间After receiving the check out information, go to the appropriate room immediately

2. 按门铃并敲门两到三次,报称“Housekeeping服务员”Ring the doorbell and knock two or three times and say "Housekeeping, waiter."

3.进门后应先查看客人的遗留物品,再检查房间的布草情况以及房间的设施设备有无损坏After entering the door, you should check the guest's belongings,Check the room linen and the equipment in the room is not damaged


1.将查房结果反馈给前台Feedback the result of the ward round to the front desk

2.如有客人遗留物品应第一时间联系总台,问询客人后并送到前台If the guest left the goods, should contact the main desk for the first time, after inquiries to guests and sent to the front desk


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 08


内容及标准Content and standard


How to clean occupied room


How to clean occupied room

1.清洁一间住客房,参照清洁一间走客房的程序Clean a occupied room, and refer to the procedures for cleaning a vacant room

2.在一间住客房里,必须考虑到客人的财物In a guest room, guests' belongings must be taken into consideration

3.当给一房间抹尘时,拿起客人的物品和扫去它们下面的灰尘。特别注意客人的私人信件,清洁完后放回原处。When dust a room, Pick up the guest items and sweep the dust beneath them. Pay special attention to the guest's private letters and return them to their place after cleaning.

4.当拆床上用品时,要非常小心地检查被单里有无客人的物品,特别是睡衣和睡裤。When dismantling the bedding, be careful to check whether the goods are the guest list, especially the pajama pants

5.做好床后,整齐地叠好客人的睡衣或睡裤,然后把它们放在床上。Well after the bed, neatly folded guests or pajamas pyjamas, then put them on the bed.

6.当清洁一间住客房时尝试去辩认客人的习惯或需求。When cleaning a room, try to identify the guest's habits or needs

7.不要用住客房的电话,除非真的是紧急事件。Don't use a room phone unless it's an emergency

8.当你清洁客房的时候,如果客人返回到房间,礼貌地问候客人并且在打扫完离开客房之前,你应该说“还有其他能为您做的吗?……入住愉快,××先生。”When you clean the guest room, if the guest returns to the room, politely greet the guest and before cleaning the room, you should say, "is there anything else I can do for you?"...... Have a nice stay, Mr. x."


Room standard operating procedures

部门 Dept:客房部HSKP


编号NumberHK 09


内容及标准Content and standard


How to clean a toilet


How to clean a toilet


1.用万能清洁剂,马桶刷,海绵,清洁垫和清洁抹布Take the toilet brush, sponge, scrubbing pad, cleaning cloth and general-purpose cleaner.

. 冲洗马桶 Flush the toilet bowl

1.对马桶进行冲水.沿着马桶内出水孔将万能清洁剂倒入马桶Flush the toilet.  Pour some all-purpose cleaner around the inner bowl.

.清洁马桶内部Clean toilet inner bowl

1.用马桶刷擦拭马桶内部边缘,特别注意马桶出水孔Scrub toilet inner rim and bowl with toilet brush especially the area under the rim.

2.如果马桶里面顽迹不能及时清除,,应用马桶清洁剂喷入马桶里面,然后再清洁If there is a stubborn stain, spray it with toilet bowl cleaner and leave for 5 minutes before scrubbing.

.清洁马桶盖板和底座Clean toilet cover and seat.

1.用万能清洁剂和海面清洁,确保马桶盖板的内外和底座得到全面的清洁Clean the toilet lid and seat by using all-purpose cleaner and a sponge. Ensure both sides of the lid and seat are cleaned.

2.用万能清洁剂清洁马桶外部Clean the toilet bowls’ outer rim using a sponge and general purpose cleaner.

3.特别注意合页Pay attention to the hinges.

4.确保无尿迹和其他污迹Ensure urine stains or any build up is thoroughly removed.

.清洁马桶其他部分Clean the outside part of toilet

1.用万能清洁剂和海绵清洁马桶外部,确保所有的赃物得以去除Clean the outside of the toilet bowl and base with sponge and general purpose cleaner.  Ensure that all dirt and stains are thoroughly removed.

.冲洗马桶盖,底座和外部Rinse toilet cover, seat and outside part of toilet

. 擦干Wipe dry

1.用干的抹布擦拭马桶盖,外部和其他部位,确保马桶无水印,污点和毛发Dry the toilet cover, seat, outside of the toilet and all parts with dry cleaning cloth and ensure that all areas are free of watermarks, stains, dirt and hair.

2.清洁完马桶后将盖子盖上Close the toilet lid when cleaning is completed